Sunday, May 15, 2011

Project No.2: "Portrait; A Setting"

In the second semester we were given a second project which was based on people’s characters from our class. Each person was assigned with another so we would work in pairs. Before the project started, we were not supposed to know much about the partner each was working with. We were then suppose to create a set consisting of a cup,plate and some sort of impliment inspired by the personality of that person.

At the beginning, the aim was to find out as much as possible about the personality, hobbies and interests of the person and then work with that information for the duration of the project.
I was assigned with a girl I did not know at all, she didn’t know me either. Therefore we got together after college and spoke about each other and things we like. I also carefully observed her for first week of the project. I found out a lot about her but I decided to concentrate on few of her character aspects. She is very energetic, bright, likes to be active, very friendly but she said that she likes to be alone a lot too. When alone she listens to the music and likes to dream, and think about the song lyrics. By sketching and experimenting with different materials I tried to depict those character qualities.

After having that done I looked back on everything and I carefully analysed and chose some sketches that best represented her. The energetic and active side of her was the one that stood out the most.
I chose the energetic, vibrant, flowing and dynamic aspects of her personality as the next point in project development. The associations I had in my head were the northern lights, Tesla coil rays and the flow of fibres within the eye. I then thought of the ways all that could be expressed on paper and I experimented in different ways by sketching and making 3D swatches. After having that done I reflected back on all the work and thought of the ways it could all be transitioned on clay.

Depicting the energy and movement

The associations to Tesla Coil rays, Northern Lights and the movement within the eye.

Experimenting with different medium and trying to depict the flow, dynamic movement and energy in the line.

More experimenting with colours and looking at the notions of Northern Lights.

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